The olive grove
1 oelbaumgarten

The olive tree garden


2 oelbaumgarten 2

Sheep, olive trees and cyclamen


3 oelbaumgarten 1

olive trees grow very old. (several hundred years)


The harvest
4 Ernte

Organic olive harvest by hand on Zakynthos

7 schuette

The most modern, largest and heaviest agricultural machines.
They are not here.

5 transport

The delivery

The unloading is also done by hand.

The Processing center
8 waschung

The olives are washed and cleaned before pressing.

9 oelpresse

The Oil-press

10 Seperation

The Flottweg Tricanter (separation technology)

11 Oel

In the oil mill

12 oil

The finished olive oil

13 Olivenoel

Green! Green olive oil!


In contrast to common production methods, ANTA organic olive oil is not mixed.


Each container is dedicated to separate farmer’s oil.















Abfüllung des Olivenöls per Hand

Filling of the olive oil by hand


Aufkleben des Etiketts - per Hand

Applying the label – by hand


ANTA organic olive oil
16 Anta Olivenoel

The end product: ANTA organic olive oil