Public Service Announcement (PSA) Series:
“I respect the environment – I respect myself”

Since 2018 Ionian TV has been showing short spots 5 times a day, which raise awareness of dangers to sea-turtle nesting beaches. Loss and degradation of nesting habitat is one of the leading causes of endangerment for the loggerhead turtle. This project aims to connect locals and visitors alike with their responsibility to protect the environment which they are an inseparable part of.

Each spot addresses a different aspect of protecting beaches providing actions of respect they can take as well as showing problematic practices they can help end. The production and broadcasting of the material is a collaboration of ANTA ( and Ionian TV. ( The goal of this project is to complete an informative series about all the issues concerning nesting beach management and the protection of turtles their nests and hatchlings.

After this series is completed, we aim to address other important environmental issues of the Greek Coastal Region/ Biosphere. If you would like to be part of this effort there are a few ways to help complete this series and continue raising awareness.

  • You can contribute by becoming a volunteer
  • As a National Park, NGO, Institute, University or individual person, you could also donate footage to the production.
  • Following approval by Ionian TV and with the relevant broadcasting fees, we can also accept finished material, such as a short film to be part of the series.
  • Below is a cost analysis and a list of spot subjects donations can be made to. (bank information)

Production costs of the TV spot series

Each new spot involves a Scientific Advisor, Filming crew, Editor, Broadcaster and includes the following expenses:

1.Research, collection and development of the information and story conceptualization.


2.Field shootings400
3.Studio Montage/ Editing200
4.Broadcasting 5 times daily for one month



26% – 442



Spots seeking funding and support

  1. Posidonia oceanica – Home to more than 300 species
  2. Posidonia oceanica – Beach protector
  3. The necessity of beaches
  4. Beach Erosion Factors
  5. Shell Collection
  6. Sand Castles
  7. Invasive species
  8. Lily of the desert
  9. Water sports
  10. Horses
  11. Fishing
  12. National Marine Park of Zakynthos Guards and Archelon volunteers – Information and reporting centers
  13. Concerned citizens at work
  14. Garbage on the beach
  15. Cigarette buds and their effects
  16. Beachwear and turtles
  17. Sand removal by visitors
  18. Sand removal from dunes

Spots already produced and broadcasting (funded by ANTA social-ecological project)

  1. Running water on nesting beaches
  2. Dogs on nesting beaches
  3. Farmers market – I buy local